As of right now, roughly about 100 units are sold so quite a few are left so make sure you get one as they won’t last forever (about 100 were sold in 17 hours since the Reddit accouncement so yeah.). ePSXe 2.6 (Windows) ePSXe is a great emulator for the original PlayStation console, and also allows the play of games from other consoles such as the Game Boy, Master System, and.
Here I’m sharing a few PlayStation portable (PSP) emulators which help run PSP games on your Windows PC.

When the article about this adapter was written, the adapters were all sold out due to only 100 being available! Yifan Lu has decided to increase the initial run to 500 units from 100 units so now, there are 400 units that are waiting to be bought. Best PlayStation Portable (PSP) Emulators for Windows. If you really want to use it on a WiFi Fat PSVita, you can replace the motherboard but in my books, it’s not really worth it.
Obviously, this adapter requires a PSVita 3G (1100 series models/ Fat 3G models) and won’t work with Wi-Fi only Fat models nor will it work with Vita Slim models (there are no 3G Vita slims) and the PSTV (you can use USB pendrives/hard drives with that). This page contains a list of Emulators available to run on the PS Vita, through the HENkaku hack. These GBA Emulators work on multiple platforms including desktop PC, mobile, and tablets. It’s a pretty easy process to do (about as hard as replacing the battery of the Vita) and once you slot in a MicroSD card and the adapter in your Vita, you can simply forget about it! Thanks to HENkaku Ensō (boot-time HENkaku/taiHEN), you’ll be able to use the adapter at boot-up! Large collection of Gameboy Advance Emulators available for Download. This is an adapter that you fit into the miniPCIe port on your PSVita instead of the modem card. What’s the MicroSD adapter for the Vita 3G?